[This is my own translation of my earlier post] This is one of the two articles I wrote during my internship at Intelligeast. Note that this post is my own final draft and is slightly different from the version published by Intelligeast’s official WeChat account. Should disputes arise, the WeChat version shall prevail. Again, I …
[I will upload my own English translation of this piece later] 这是我之前在智合实习时写的两篇主要文章之一。放在这里的是我本人的最终稿,和“智合”公众号上的可能有所出入。若有数据或陈述上不同的,以智合公众号版本为准。在这里仍然要再次感谢我的编辑 Wendy 和 Richard!
[PLACEHOLDER] Foreign Military Presence in China During the First World War
This is a project that I occasionally work on. There is no end in sight, and it is, as its title suggests, nothing but a placeholder for the prospective final product, should it ever materialize. UPDATED 2021.09.27 Here are some notes I took, and some materials I compiled. If everything goes well I will continue …
Read the full post →“[PLACEHOLDER] Foreign Military Presence in China During the First World War”
Buffer Zones of Russia: 1700-2020
Dated December 2020, Final Paper for “Politics of Russia and the Post-Communist World” at Brandeis University, taught by Professor Steven Lloyd Wilson. This is but a working draft of the project I envisioned, but due to the limited time I had, this was the final product.
U.S. Economic Policy Towards the People’s Republic of China: 1948-1950
Dated May 2020, Final Paper for “U.S. Foreign Economic Policy” at Brandeis University, taught by Professor Kerry Chase.
Chinese Intervention in the Russian Civil War (1918-1922)
Everyone knows about the Russian Civil War that unveiled the first powerful communist regimes of the world, but not too many had heard of the Allied Intervention in it, which speaks to an effort by Britain and Japan, along with several other conventionally named “imperialistic” powers, to militarily suppress the Red Army immediately after the …
Read the full post →“Chinese Intervention in the Russian Civil War (1918-1922)”
Legal Nature of Exclusive Social Clubs: An Overview
Dated December 2019, Final Paper for “American Legal History II” at Brandeis University, taught by Professor Michael Willrich.
Slave Folklores in American South: An Overview
An experimental work on folk culture and mythology.