Tianshan Rd. Post Office, Shanghai (上海 天山路邮政支局)

Featuring: Postal vans, postal electric bicycles, EMS logistics and stamps. As promised, a second go at Shanghai’s postal facilities the day after my first, this time the postal branch office (“支局”) on Tianshan Rd. Being a “branch” and not a “station,” it is visibly more spacious than its Zhongshan Rd. West counterpart, equipped, other than …

West Zhongshan Rd. Post Office, Shanghai (上海 中山西路邮政所)

Well well well, to duly follow up on my earlier post introducing some of Shanghai’s more idiosyncratic postal facilities, today I went to one that is decidedly commonplace — a postal station (albeit titled still as a “post office”) on the section of Changning Rd between West Zhongshan Rd. and Kaixun Rd., which is entirely …

Prayers on International Flights — A Brief Investigation

Note: I do not possess or claim expertise to any religious matter. If you are contemplating long-distance travel and need to figure out prayer times specific to your needs, consult competent religious authority or a trustworthy online service and, of course, safe travel. I was flying from Geneva to Abu Dhabi a few days ago …

Postal Facilities of Shanghai — A Very Basic Introduction

Any habitual reader of my blog (a species that I suspect does not exist) must know of my interest in things postal, as my quests to several DC post offices hopefully have made clear. However, since this interest grew out of my visit to the National Postal Museum, ever since when I have yet to …