The Privilege of Receiving a Nixie

*Originally published on another blog of mine, Miscellaneous Notes, now republished here with slight edits and modifications* Two days ago I finally received in my mailbox the letter sent from Union Station nearly a month ago on Dec. 18. Turns out it was not lost in the system, or stolen in transit, but was deemed …

Failure Meets Success, Part Two (DC)

*Originally published on another blog of mine, Miscellaneous Notes, now republished here with slight edits and modifications* FEATURING — L’Enfant Plaza; USPS Headquarters L’Enfant Plaza Station I’ve been to L’Enfant Plaza several times before and was well aware of its awkward topography. There are tunnels, train tracks, overpasses, weird ramps and underground shopping centers, which …

Failure Meets Success, Part One (DC)

*Originally published on another blog of mine, Miscellaneous Notes, now republished here with slight edits and modifications* FEATURING — Department of Agriculture; Bureau of Engraving and Printing Today is the first business day of 2024, so I set out to visit two more post offices and two more postal (or at least postally relevant) facilities. …

First Stamps of the Year — Constantinople to Danzig to China

*Originally published on another blog of mine, Miscellaneous Notes, now republished here with slight edits and modifications* Alas, while the USPS and its army of postal workers take a well-deserved break on Jan. 1, a postal tourist knows no reprieve, and — as not one of DC’s post offices is open — went back to …