我曾在美国加州的弗里蒙特(又译佛利蒙 Fremont)待过一段时间,因此一直对本地历史颇感兴趣。这是我在这个方面一点小小的写作尝试——由于种种原因没有写完,但先发在这里供感兴趣者一阅。
Category: Geography
Natural geography makes one marvel with awe to the Tremendous Power of the Universe. Human geography exhibits the Abilities of us homo sapiens. We shall respect both, and shall never forget the frenzy we first experienced, seeing the mountains or the sea without its boundary in sight.
续上篇 A Report on Hawaiian Mythology, PART II
Buffer Zones of Russia: 1700-2020
Dated December 2020, Final Paper for “Politics of Russia and the Post-Communist World” at Brandeis University, taught by Professor Steven Lloyd Wilson. This is but a working draft of the project I envisioned, but due to the limited time I had, this was the final product.
Anarchism, The Underlying Force of Human Society
Anarchism — The Underlying Force of Human Society Emergence, Evolution and Impact on Modern Society, a Geographic Approach Sheng Zhengmao Anarchism, defined by Webster dictionary as “a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and …
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The Border Conflicts Between China And USSR In 1969
The historical reasons of the tension could be traced back for more than six decades. During Tsarist Russia and Qing Dynasty, there were disputes over lands that were traditional Chinese settlements, and the Russians performed massacres in several frontier villages, which led to historical disbelief and resentment to the Russians. It was during the Boxer …
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Settlement Planning and Morphology in Wyoming
The observation of the towns’ layouts, or “morphology” in the state of Wyoming, U.S., shows many differences among various settlements, as well as many similarities. This essay will focus on the explanation, instead of mere description, of these layouts. It will answer the following questions: Why are those settlements located at where they are? How …
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